Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Distractions, distractions

My dad, soon-to-be step mom, and half sister paige! (p.s....its cute to coordinate colors right? (; ) 

My mom, dad, step sisters, sister, and brother on their wedding day!

Ever since my last post about Wesley and Bianca being partners for the English paper, I haven’t been able to put the book down! Turns out my excitement for what its like when Wesley and Bianca are alone together was predicted pretty well. Bianca went over to Wesley’s house (which by the way is a mansion, and his parents are never home, either on business trips, vacations, etc.) and the only computer was upstairs in his room….yep! Bet you can predict what is going to happen. Before they even start talking about their project, they start hooking up. I’m going to skip the details, but they continue to hook up for the next month and a half or so. (And yes, they did get an A on their project!)

After a while, they start learning more and more about each other and Wesley figures out that Bianca is using him as a distraction, but he can’t figure out why. He finally learns what he is distracting her from one night at her house. They walk down the stairs so Bianca can walk Wesley out to his car, when Bianca’s dad finds them. He is completely wasted, due to divorce papers sent to him from his wife, and starts calling Bianca a whore because she had a boy in her room. (While her father was home, they played Scrabble for three hours in her room.) Bianca is horrified to see her father like this, especially because her father had been sober for 18 years because before she was bon, when he got drinking, his anger became out of hand and he became destructive. He ends up slapping her across the face, and Wesley punches him in the mouth and leaves with Bianca to his house. At the house, he finally tells her he knows what she has been using him as a distraction from. The divorce.

This part of the story is very relevant to me, because I know exactly where she is coming from. Okay, maybe I don’t hook up with random guys to get my mind off of my parents divorce, but I did find things to distract myself. I have this one friend in particular where if anything ever goes wrong in my life, and I need to get away, I know that she and her mom will love my company. When my parents got divorced, I spent lots and lots of time there, simply because it hurt too badly because I couldn’t stand being in a broken household. My sister and I staying at her house for 3-4 days straight for the week during summer and school, just to get away from reality, and it worked, well most of the time. Everything is forgotten til you go back home and have to be bombarded back into reality. I know exactly where she is coming from, and I know many other people do.

By the way, my family is now split into to, and I absolutely love it! 

(Big familia right? (: )

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